Tuesday, May 04, 2004

If only i had my own mummy!!!(the first part)

Well, i happend to overhear this conversation in a side-walk cafe, over a couple of shots of expresso, i really enjoyed it, 'n think it can be cool! go ahead u can overhear too, 'n enjoy ur expresso.

Xpresso :so lemme see
Xpresso :ur fave means of transportation?
Xpresso :Train/ bus/ ship?
Xpresso :and Plane
Shmartie :horseback
Shmartie :i have to choose from that?
Xpresso :yeah
Shmartie :ship
Shmartie :then train
Xpresso :objective test
Shmartie :ok
Xpresso :so
Xpresso :why the ship, justify ur answer
Shmartie :i love it
Xpresso :u love ship? would u like to be a seawoman?
Shmartie :i love travelling on water
Shmartie :oh yeaH
Xpresso :like US navy soldiers, on a Carrier
Shmartie :i wouldnt mind being a pirate, thats the life, i dun like taking orders
Xpresso :Pirate with one eye? one wooden leg, and a one-eyed parrot
Shmartie :no, id be whole thankyou
Xpresso :Pirates r like that, Long Jonh Silver
Shmartie :not female pirates, & the parrots arent one eyed!!!!!!
Xpresso :nope this one's the same as the pirate
Shmartie :female pirates just look and talk dirty
Xpresso :cool
Shmartie :cool
Shmartie :i like ur q's
Shmartie :next
Xpresso :ok
Xpresso :ur fav music in the car
Xpresso :fast/ slow/ nerve shattering, mellow
Shmartie :hmm..., id say nerve shattering, either that or mellow
Shmartie :well?
Xpresso :ok
Xpresso :woman or man???, fav singers
Shmartie :woman
Xpresso :mostly??? oh good
Shmartie :wot was that woman or man about?
Xpresso :fav music if alone in the car good road, high-speed, wind blowing intothe hair
Shmartie :wow...nirvana, hahaha, depends...if its dry land or humid, i like some of metallicas stuff
Xpresso :who wouldu like to pick up at the next stop, on same road
Shmartie :hmm.....
Xpresso :tick tak, tik tak
Xpresso :so???
Shmartie :we got to the crossroad
Shmartie :i said jeremy irons, hey i just say the first thing that comes to my head?
Xpresso :nope
Xpresso :u can pick a good calculated choice
Shmartie :id say john lennon then
Xpresso :who would u like to pick up at the next stop, on same road
Shmartie :that guy ho built the church of satan
Xpresso :ok, lemme see, what wouldu like to do, if u get lost on a deserted island, & u got one cell, phone, one pack of 100 CD's all greatest hits, 100 issues f LIFE magazine, and a Yellow Pages
Shmartie :right now? Actually i was gonna answer i wanted to do just that, ohom...., id choose the cds of course
Xpresso :ok, so, cds
Shmartie :wot would i need a yellow pages for
Shmartie :do i have a cd player to ith it?
Xpresso :sure. a real cool Harmon Kardon home HI-FI, with B&W Speakers
Shmartie :definately go fo the cds
Xpresso :I'd take ur place on that Island myself
Shmartie :go find ur own deserted island
Xpresso :u can read the Yellow pages, many interesting names, and laugh at the funny ones
Shmartie :well if u had to take a book with u
Shmartie :wot book would u take
Xpresso :me? Romain Gary’s Ski Bun
Shmartie :so....next
Xpresso :3 occasions, just can have one, birthday party, 100 friends, ur deserted island, with the CD's and Awesome Hi-Fi, & an amazon expedition
Shmartie :hmm..., amazon expedition
Xpresso :oh yeah???
Shmartie :aha, party is just one night
Xpresso :who would u take on that expedition with u? 1- ur mom, 2- ur best friend, 3- a cool guy, crazy enough to go bungee jumping
Shmartie :do u have to ask?
Xpresso :how would u find that guy
Xpresso :1- meet in cafe, he's over drunk, 2- he's doing extra activity to relieve stress, sky diving, 3- u put an ad in the local paper
Shmartie :one!
Xpresso :what nationality would u like him to be, 1- Italian, 2- Mexican, 3- Iranian
Shmartie :hmm...., Italian
Xpresso :would u like him to be, 1- gay, 2- aggressive, 3- sexy
Shmartie :hmm..., a mix of aggressive and sexy please
Xpresso :if u r lost amid the expedition, how would like to spend the night, 1- he telling u funny jokes, 2- u sleeping he standing watch, 3- a one night stand
Shmartie :1+2
Xpresso :the morning u wake up, what would u like to see, 1- to be next to a long lost Inka temple
2- next to the amazon river, 3- face to face with a Python
Shmartie :3 is so interesting, but i guess id say 1
Xpresso :when u walk into the temple while ur friend is on breakfast chase, what would like to find
1- a treasure, 2- some mummies, 3- a note written u won a free ticket back home
Shmartie :2
Xpresso :when u open the mummies, what would u expect to find inside, - some Inka royalties, 2- John Lennon, 3- ur Italian friend
Shmartie :1
Xpresso :when u take the trouble and pain of taking ur discovery back home, what would u do
1- put the mummies in the living room, where mom would sure kill u, 2- giving them to a museum
3- selling them on ebay
Shmartie :1
Xpresso :one night u r sleeping, u hear a sound, u just walk downstairs, finding, the mummy is sneaking into the fridge, what would u do? 1- scream, 2- be cool, and fix him a bloody merry
3- sit down and smoke some weed together.
Shmartie :2

To be continue................d


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