Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Love lies beneath!

u know sometimes things get tough, and we r ruled by our emotions n impulse, the thing is we r not supposed to be guided to the right track by such characters, these can be quite misguiding, i remember the times when things would have sounded n seemed smoother n easier while things could have been shakier n less reliable. And there comes a time, when the two of us reach a point on this road we r traveling, where in spite of all said n done, things get tough, emotioned, n even unreliable, despite the fact that truth lies deep beneath the surface. I believe in the origin of things, the source, and also believe to some people things cannot be without a point of creation, there must be a driving force behind anything we do or we say. And then we try to stand on a stable not-shaky platform where we can see the horizon, look behind, and still feel safe. I don’t know if love is insecurity or security. That’s something to be left to test. to some it's a bit of both. Some enjoy the thrill of love affairs, the tale of melancholic heart-brokens, sad eyes, tears, and mean lovers. That’s a sad story, thrillous, painful, and a common story. Then there come the more rational ones, those who seek shelter in love to fill in their emotional-sensational gaps, they hardly consider love as an impediment, or obstacle to hurdle, they'd rather keep an open eye, find their way, and have a good time with that unique exquisite emotional adventure of their life time. They don't consider that as a trap, though it can entangle one like a net tightening around a prey, though the trapped could walk in deliberately. And there happens to be constructive love, I’d rather use the term constructive sensations. Me myself seldom have enjoyed company of those who avoid the slightest touch, or they can not be a good expressionalist of their inner feels, whereas it's good to feel a caring hand on one's when there's a time forlorn and bewilderment in life. That's all about how souls connect and exchange. It's like an interaction in a super-physical layer and dimension. That's where the whole laws of nature, society, space n time can change. The feeling of liberation, exhilaration, devotion, and compassion, those all can make changes in the accepted norms, over-rule some, and make us step beyond the forbidden boundaries of our much accepted social life. And even though, we hear, repeat and try not to forget the conventions, we do our best to close our eyes on those, and let ourselves fly high above on the wings of love.
The whole thing is like an old joke which sounds fresh each time we repeat it to ourselves, and we find us asking, " is it really happening?!", and then we shake our head, shrug a shoulder and, " let's face it, isn’t it all i ever wanted?!", What's the big mystery? Is it the one who gives us the feel, or is it the feel we get? Whichever it is, it appears to be strong, and powerful, can break bonds, and make new ones, can make homes, or be like a double-edge dagger, or even can be one single step away from the most devastating hatreds. It’s like a wrong turn and one happens to be down headlong into a canyon.
And many one of us members of this flock, venture the russian-roulette gamble of our lives, some leave the table broke; some stay there stacking up stakes. Be it a gamble or an adventure, a trap or a ditch, a life-time mistake or a sweet-feeling of ecstasy, welcome it openly, it doesn’t happen for many, it’s not supposed to happen at the right time, and in the right place or even with the right person, it holds no pre-suppositions, it’s matter of connection and keeping it connected, and maintaining the interaction. Whatever it is, it’s good, I can drink that shot of expresso, enjoy the finest music, and think of all the sweet moments it brings about. It’s miracle! (not the coffee of course!)

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