Friday, November 19, 2004

Something Sexy!

Sexual Attraction, apart from promoting the propagation of the species, is, particularly in Western cultures, strongly linked to self-esteem in both men and women, throughout life. The biological imperative of sexual attraction used to permeate most aspects of many cultures. The status of the individual within sections of society may also be related to his or her sex appeal, and in the West there is commercial as well as social value placed on it. An example is the link that is made in advertisements between sexual attraction and a brand of, for example, jeans, perfume, or car. All the senses are involved in the so-called chemistry of sexual attraction. A person’s appearance as well as how he or she behaves can be the basis of attraction. The entire process is highly complex, and what is thought attractive by one person may be unattractive to another. Appearance, behaviour, emotions, mannerisms, conversation, body language, and expressed views, among other things—as well as the circumstances of an encounter—all play a part, but in different ways for different people. There are no firm rules on what constitutes sexual attraction and it does not have to depend on Western ideas of attractiveness.
Once two people have met, their personalities become important, and to some extent each person often fulfils the unconscious needs of his or her partner. Attitudes and values may be similar and, in a number of respects, like will attract like: for instance, partners may both come from the same social class, or have the same level of education, or the same religious and ethnic background. This, however, is often due to the lack of opportunity or because of socially created barriers, which are now increasingly being broken down in many societies.
The response of the individual to another person affects the individual’s attractiveness. A series of social interactions takes place when two people meet. Two people increase sexual attraction for each other as they face one another, touch, prolong eye contact, and synchronize body movements. The reaction to the sound of a person’s voice or touch indicates attraction.

Sexual Desire is influenced by the level of sex hormones in the body and by psychological factors. Social conditioning and a person’s circumstances strongly affect the level of sexual desire, which varies greatly between one time and another, and from one individual to another. The person’s sexual capacity, that is, the capacity to become sexually aroused and to reach orgasm (sexual climax), depends on physical health and the effective function of the nervous, muscular, and vascular systems. These vary markedly with age. The actual amount of sexual activity engaged in depends not only on physiological and psychological factors, but also on opportunity.

Sex Drive, At the beginning of the 20th century the word “drive” was a narrow biological term used in the same sense as the term “sexual instinct”. It described an innate force that drove animals to avoid hunger or pain and which released physical tension through sexual activity. Sigmund Freud extended the idea of sex drive when he described the libido as a largely unconscious force motivating human behaviour. Current thinking uses the terms “sex drive” and “libido” loosely in the sense of sexual motivation, denoting the desire to engage in sexual behaviour. A difference in sex drive may influence a relationship, for example, if one partner is too demanding or impatient, or if one partner has less desire for sex than the other. People who otherwise have things in common may, in this way, be incompatible as regards their needs for sex.


where's the fire?

Speed is life, or life is speed, one must be the other, the thing speed is always an issue. Why? 'cause they say "speed kills people!" or "speed makes people more nervous!" or so many different other things. They all might be right. Agreed! thing is then why do we have to speed it up all the time? something commercial? fantacy? fancy? craziness? mania? no reason at all, or none of the above????? Take the instance of computers, speedier machines, faster performances, better bench marks, and quickers operations, then? or cars, 120, was a dream years ago for the average driver, now average driver does over 120. then? or take the case of fast food restaurants, they time it from taking an order to the moment food is on the counter, 30 secs WOW! then? what does all this mean? speed? we do things faster on a computer, or we finish up on a high-way sooner than before, or even we grab the burger and out we go!
Personally, I like the concept of speed! when you do it fast, and you are able to handle are that fast stuff you feel great, no matter what that is! A faster car, means more excitement, more fun, you can stay till a bit later then take off a bit later, and make up for that by going faster! isn't it coool??? or a faster take-away, means you don't have to look at the tedious face of the cashier for a long time, or hang around idly till your order is ready! otherwise why the fast food place, one can have a night out at a cozy restaurant, and stay there for hours and enjoy an evening with HER!!!

So, speed's cool, one of the best thing's we come up with, I can feel the raised eye-brows, and people saying crazy guy's writing about speed, so he can justify his driving, nope, I mean it, if it causes troubles, you gotta watch it, you have got the leash, put a leash on your speeding desires, speed is like a tool a facility of life, modern life, it pushes us ahead, without us noticing, while we just save the minutes, now, what these minutes or seconds mean to one, that's not my business! Speed is all Expresso's about!

where the sky meets the earth Posted by Hello

Friday, November 12, 2004

Between the devil & deep deep blue sea!

It happens sometimes in our lives that we come to a point where we are faced with a situation that we never know what to do, or we can never work a way out! or even worth we can Not leave it. We take that on with all the hard time it gives us, and all the downsides to that. This, to me, is like playing russian roulette with a fully loaded gun to our head, what the heck, to us as gamblers, we care for nothing but the joy there is to each time we win no matter what the stakes, maybe it's the passion of the game, or passion of what lies beneath!!!
Some gamble with life, some with money, there are guys who drive their lives on the tarmac, too fast, there must be something masculine in all that vitesse, some become figther pilots, there's a guy who climbs the Everest, and you can see that chum who went for an evening party with sharks deep down the ocean, a mad man who goes for a world record sky diving, and so many many others, even the guy who falls in love with a woman he can never say goodbye to her! (that's the riskiest of all businesses, pfffffffffffffffffff, god knows how perilous it can get sometimes!!!)
Well, i am going to drink to all lovers, especially to ......................!

Saturday, November 06, 2004

New Weblog...................!

check it out .

Friday, November 05, 2004

hope is illusion

Hope is a fabrication of mind, a mental illusion designed in the way we prefer things to turn out somewhere and sometime in the coming future, that's how we fool ourselves inorder to carry on, instead of relying on more constructive powerful tools, self-motivation, aspiration and ambition. most of the time we are afraid of ambitions, maybe they are bigger than our imagination can cope with, or we don't have the mental capacity to map a pathway to that land so distantly and dreamfully depicted. so we hang on to hopes, and as they are so false and empty, we simply give up. the thing is, some people just give up not because there is no way but, because they can't find a second way, they are not equipped with a backup plan, and hopes as thin as morning mist just fade away. I have seen strong personalities that have survived the direst of cirumstances, and people who have had their heads in their hands at the first NAH, and those who never try because they fer to hear the "NAH". how do u evaluate urself? (till then i m going to make some coffee).

a Wanted Ad.

In case anyone sees a girl around 23-4, dark hair, medium height, usually wearing something i can't remember what, running around streets of the city, never wears a watch, usually has a very intelligent thoughtful look, does painting, listens to Evanescence, and hates anastacia, used to have a kitten called shoo shoo, the cat got kicked out for some notoriously infamous behavior called sneaking out of the house,and used to have an uncle who was a shot of some coffee extract,tell her to drop the old guy some line, and relieve him of his worries.

Uncle xpress

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