Wednesday, June 16, 2004

All I want is you!

You say you want
Diamonds on a ring of gold
You say you want
Your story to remain untold

But all the promises we make
From the cradle to the grave
When all I want is you

You say you’ll give me
A highway with no one on it
Treasure just to look upon it
All the riches in the night

You say you’ll give me
Eyes in a moon of blindness
A river in a time of dryness
A harbour in the tempest
But all the promises we make
From the cradle to the grave
When all I want is you

You say you want
Your love to work out right
To last with me through the night

You say you want
Diamonds on a ring of gold
Your story to remain untold
Your love not to grow cold

All the promises we break
From the cradle to the grave
When all I want is you

Courtesy of U2

Thursday, June 10, 2004

What's with my Focus?!

So many people wonder in life, why they can't get what they deserve to get, blaming it on bad days, adverse turn of events, or their bad luck. They always miss one thing, where's the focus needed, and asked this question, they might retort, what's focus good for? Focus is good for nothing, except it provides a filteration system, freeing us of the un-necessaries, by focus one can always know what to run for, what to sacrifice for, and how to make decisions and change directions when off-target, or wavering away from the right pathways in life. It's no atter of planning-liness(i just made that term do not copy pleae!), or neatness, or being punctual or smart in clothes. It's a tool or an ability, to have the targets clear in sight, to think ahead, or to go around big-time deals in life. Being focused is like a missile locked on a target it even keeps ones mind sharp 'n alert. Me myself hate it, when I lose my focus, it feels like being thrown out of a space ship in the middle of space, (hell that feels scary!). I like it when i see things in black&white, clear, nothing blocking the sight, like one in the desert, walking towards the sun. The next thing that comes up here is setting goals in life, what the goals are, and what it takes to reach those goals, and how, and when. Time factor, and are those goals worth the time and effort spent, Value for Time factor, then keep those targets in your cross-hairs and off you go, keeping in mind the best routes 'n processes need verifying. buckle up 'n roll it. enjoy the ride! (and stop by a cafe once in a while!)

Skin to Skin..........!

Somethings do not happen according to a plan, they just happen, you have no control over 'em, they just occur, and when they do you can't undo them, they are there on your hands, and well, when you have 'em you got to do something about them, it can be a friendship, it can be relationship, or even love. It just happens, nobody can ever devise a work schedule or process for falling or un-falling in love, and when the lightning strikes it has struck. And one morning you wake up transformed, into some new creature with new instinctives, and senses, then you feel there is something out of the usual life style you used to know that's missing out there now, you don't know what it is but you just feel that uneasy sensation, (hey I love that sensation, it just makes me feel i'm still alive!)about that blazing flame, it goes out and comes in, just needs that second element to light your fire babe, hahahahaha, i really like this term too, anyways, all the thing is, the dual face that love shows, the completing part and the depletion you feel after the briefest detachments, it's always like an essential piece is pulled apart with so much agony and pain, maybe not that dramatic, however, it's the joys of reunion and being togethers that makes the unbearable periods of partings a transient state of the mind, you dont feel that to happen in reality, you spend your time in your mind, playing back the pictures like a movie over 'n over again, till you have some pieces added to that visual archive in all senses, can be a brief touch to the sweetest kisses(yummy!), oh god, i got to go grab my coffee and close my eyes, and you can't imagine what i'd dream of............! u can try it someday too.

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Coffee in a side-walk cafe!

Once upon a time I thought of some combinations like, seeing blind, hearing deaf, thinking insane, and all sorts of ironic combinations you can think of. It can be us, any one of us, one of these, none, or all, depending on how we open up to life, as it comes our way. It can be us, once in a while, we close our eyes on things, we pretend we are not hearing, we just want to be in a non-thinking mood, all for one single reason, isolation, isolation from the world around us or isolation from the fact that we can see, however non-observant we might seem. But why on earth do we have to seek shelter in Isolation of any kind, what good is that? Personally I have found it quite a safe trick to play sometimes in life, it saves me lots of tranquilizers and hours of self-destructing attitude, what I call, argument with self, so, you just close your ears, avert your eyes, looking the other way, and play dumb, quite secure, practical and easy, why bother the agony of explanations, people love explanations unimaginably, you don’t know how much it pleases them to get an explanation for the slightest most trivial things in life, that sounds almost like conquerors of Troy, and hell it even feels better than that when one of us, gets ones of those all-dressed-up report-back-sergeant style explanatory dialogs, oh boy that feels egoistically satisfying. And not being a pro of this style of thought, (quite military like, yucks!) I’d stick to my principle; I’d prefer to use principle to the term theory, that’d be quite mental, although I like mentality so much, yet that lacks practicality; the Principle of Deliberate-Perception-Free-Isolation, DPFI, cool aint it? what a technically gorgeous term! Hence, simply you can see we have always got a back door, to get away, a wise man said once, never walk into a place if you don’t have a walk out, sometimes we got back doors, but most of the other times, we got to make our own back doors, or find ‘em like those silly games they show on TV, you got to find the trap door ouuuuuut. Ok folks, now, what do we don’t see when we switch to DPFI mode, I don’t know fersure, what we don’t see, but there are lots of things we don’t see or we don’t want to see, they are two substantially different things, those things you miss, and those things you look the other way. It reminds me of that dream thing I wrote sometime ago, that actually wasn’t my dream, that was seeing passing by the alley ways of life in the eyes of a dreamer seen through the eyes of the beholder, there’s always someone looking at us, our moves, our steps, and we are always looking around, trying to find signs, clues, hints, an arrow to show us the way, slightest hints, and life’s all a tricky thing, like a cycle, cyclonic and moving ahead in the direction of time, time traveling. All the people who came before and will come later, saw and will see the same things, the nature of things remains the same through time, like there’s a fixed pattern to all things, the outer covering changes, however ideas such as love, hatred, friendship, truth, trust, sadness, anger, joy, and all the rest, that form the essence of life, follow the same never changing pattern, they tend to remain intact. I don’t want to mix man-made articles here, houses have changed, even clothes, sun-glasses, cars and we use super-fast computers that we never know what to do with 'em, and even we have so many entertainment goodies, we have no chance to catch our breath between changing a CD player for a DVD-playing one but, I wouldn’t count these as even tiny parts of essence of life, they last less than their battery life, they can't be counted in even as secondary to life. And to that time-traveler who passes streets of life, he sees same shop windows displaying same items, different packaging designs, we even change names, for marketing sake, still it’s all the same, one can market love as anything, or even truth, or art, the pattern never changes. All life’s got a pattern, it follows a pattern, stochastic, yet at large it follows some sort of order, same when you look at gas molecules in a container, random motion, but in bulk, they all show the same unified behavior, microscopic disorder, macroscopic order. But, why should life be so intricate, while one can sit, laid-back sipping his coffee in a side-walk café watching all those people rushing past, and looking at them, the same eyes, the same eyes of the beholder, and we think the same as they think about us. You know what they are thinking about you? We can discuss it over a cup of coffee………. Invigorating ain't it?

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