Thursday, June 10, 2004

Skin to Skin..........!

Somethings do not happen according to a plan, they just happen, you have no control over 'em, they just occur, and when they do you can't undo them, they are there on your hands, and well, when you have 'em you got to do something about them, it can be a friendship, it can be relationship, or even love. It just happens, nobody can ever devise a work schedule or process for falling or un-falling in love, and when the lightning strikes it has struck. And one morning you wake up transformed, into some new creature with new instinctives, and senses, then you feel there is something out of the usual life style you used to know that's missing out there now, you don't know what it is but you just feel that uneasy sensation, (hey I love that sensation, it just makes me feel i'm still alive!)about that blazing flame, it goes out and comes in, just needs that second element to light your fire babe, hahahahaha, i really like this term too, anyways, all the thing is, the dual face that love shows, the completing part and the depletion you feel after the briefest detachments, it's always like an essential piece is pulled apart with so much agony and pain, maybe not that dramatic, however, it's the joys of reunion and being togethers that makes the unbearable periods of partings a transient state of the mind, you dont feel that to happen in reality, you spend your time in your mind, playing back the pictures like a movie over 'n over again, till you have some pieces added to that visual archive in all senses, can be a brief touch to the sweetest kisses(yummy!), oh god, i got to go grab my coffee and close my eyes, and you can't imagine what i'd dream of............! u can try it someday too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

body and soul!inseperatable!and who ever said otherwise it is rubbish!how can u describe a feeling slipping deep down ur soul by just a touch of a hand?rush of blood as well as emotion thoughts thrill ..and that stormy feeling in ur stomach and that sweet sensation in each and every cell of your body?and u wanna capture the moment pack it and wrap it up and save it till eternity.a feeling u wont trade for anything in the!the biggest organ in our body full of different nerve ending and actually a bridge connected to our soul.amazing!.and done forget:the world will always welcom lovers as time goes by(cazablanca)

June 11, 2004 at 3:50 AM  

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