Thursday, June 10, 2004

What's with my Focus?!

So many people wonder in life, why they can't get what they deserve to get, blaming it on bad days, adverse turn of events, or their bad luck. They always miss one thing, where's the focus needed, and asked this question, they might retort, what's focus good for? Focus is good for nothing, except it provides a filteration system, freeing us of the un-necessaries, by focus one can always know what to run for, what to sacrifice for, and how to make decisions and change directions when off-target, or wavering away from the right pathways in life. It's no atter of planning-liness(i just made that term do not copy pleae!), or neatness, or being punctual or smart in clothes. It's a tool or an ability, to have the targets clear in sight, to think ahead, or to go around big-time deals in life. Being focused is like a missile locked on a target it even keeps ones mind sharp 'n alert. Me myself hate it, when I lose my focus, it feels like being thrown out of a space ship in the middle of space, (hell that feels scary!). I like it when i see things in black&white, clear, nothing blocking the sight, like one in the desert, walking towards the sun. The next thing that comes up here is setting goals in life, what the goals are, and what it takes to reach those goals, and how, and when. Time factor, and are those goals worth the time and effort spent, Value for Time factor, then keep those targets in your cross-hairs and off you go, keeping in mind the best routes 'n processes need verifying. buckle up 'n roll it. enjoy the ride! (and stop by a cafe once in a while!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

people dont get what they want coz actually they dont know what they want or there is no real desire behind this wanting,no need to focus on what u want u just have to want it and go for it and in the mean time there is no need to be desperately dependent on it.just go for it whole heartedly carefree .u will get hold of it sooner than u expected.focusing on something special means u have no other choice but to follow that target and that brings u nerveousness.all that gaze leave u blind to other chances and ways to get there.u just close ur eyes to other options to get there or have it or whatever it takes and pick the first one nearest to ur mind.having a sharp eye and an open mind is different from focusing in one direction and one goal and one target.

June 11, 2004 at 8:13 AM  

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