Friday, May 21, 2004


I woke up dreaming, one of the other nights, just while i wa sleeping sweetly, it was a real subtle dream, if i can recall well, it felt like i was dropped down from some height, high velocity, into the face of the earth, heavy impact, took me sometime to recover from the shock, could just lift up my head and have a look around with difficulty after i managed to regain my focus, whole world spinning, like one having had some deep puffs on a joint, things seemed so blurred and indistinguishable, then slowly they came into focus, as if i was learning how to work the focus ring on a camera lens, out of focus, in focus, 'n bingo, sharp view. Looked up, n around, wow, it was all dark around, i was a total stranger, in somewhere i didnt know, or was that place sort of new to me, either way, we didnt recognize each other, i felt the strange look on the face of walls, if walls had eyes, they woud have killed with the look in those eyes, then i realized i couldnt stay there any longer, stamped on the ground with the drop, staggered up on my feet, and stared to walk, which way, you just dont know which way to go, nobody knows what way to go in a strange land, or if it was a strange land. I picked up a path, nomatter where it led to, i just walked the way of the unknown, dark way, some shops, half closed, neither inviting, or i didnt know what to in case i got into one of those, i just decided to pass the windows, no heads were turned around to cast the slightest look, it's either stares or ignoring eyes when someone's an outsider, those were shadows, n the shadows were dark, but one could see through 'em, it wasnt so hard, sometimes you see the most through something so carefully disguised, the disguise gives the game away, in one shop there was a single pair of eyes watching the outside, almost bent over a cup of something, the look had the glare of a pair of diamonds in the face of piece of rock, the eyes had penetrating vision, i could see me in those eyes, despite the distance.
"Here comes another stranger", the pair of eyes never missed a thing, they never showed any excitement, or interest, but those eyes could see through, like laser cutting through metal, the guys a stranger, just fallen down into the face of this world, going the same way as everyone else does, they all seem they pick this way out of chance, but thats the way they all go. They are all so scared to look around more carefully, even they dont dare to get into this place and ask for the directions. And this one, is another one, like all those other people who walked up this path, and he's got exactly the look i got when i was there, rushing along the same road, hiding my eyes, and then for a second, i did the same mistake, and looked up and around, at that time too, saw myself in a glowing pair of eyes, reflecting outsied like two shiny marbles, saw a little me, in those eyes. The beholder then had the same thoughts about me, and the reflection had taken him back in time, to the same day he got down to the face of the world. same encounters, same pathways, same dark strange surroundings.

As i was there, at that moment, having the eye-lock, with that pair of eyes, it was like a travel in time, like reflection of an image in two parallel mirrors, you could see an infinite number of images, going back, one in another, the repetition, just faces would change, the looks, but the two pair of eyes still the same, one pair looking for something new, one pair, observant, it was all about what one wanted to see.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


May 24, 2004 at 4:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I liked this one,the best from far, by me.You always write interesting stuff, you have a complex mind and a good imagination but, forgive me for telling you this, sometimes u get lost into details.this time was somehow different, and more over, i liked the idea, too.

May 27, 2004 at 9:18 AM  

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