Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Expresso table is left alone!

Romance, according to Dictionary is close short term relationship of love between two people, thats what the lexicon says, bookish definition, not what happens in real life, when time flies, hours go by like seconds, and just the moment one loses contact, impatiently looks for something missing, something that could be felt moments ago, strong presence of security, sense of being there, that takes time on a swift ride, and when it drops you off, it feels void, and desolate even more than what it was before, never believed in romanticness, but i always would love to repeat that expresso date one more time, over and over again n again for as long as time can afford, ..........! This coffee tastes Bitterly Bitter.

Friday, May 21, 2004


I woke up dreaming, one of the other nights, just while i wa sleeping sweetly, it was a real subtle dream, if i can recall well, it felt like i was dropped down from some height, high velocity, into the face of the earth, heavy impact, took me sometime to recover from the shock, could just lift up my head and have a look around with difficulty after i managed to regain my focus, whole world spinning, like one having had some deep puffs on a joint, things seemed so blurred and indistinguishable, then slowly they came into focus, as if i was learning how to work the focus ring on a camera lens, out of focus, in focus, 'n bingo, sharp view. Looked up, n around, wow, it was all dark around, i was a total stranger, in somewhere i didnt know, or was that place sort of new to me, either way, we didnt recognize each other, i felt the strange look on the face of walls, if walls had eyes, they woud have killed with the look in those eyes, then i realized i couldnt stay there any longer, stamped on the ground with the drop, staggered up on my feet, and stared to walk, which way, you just dont know which way to go, nobody knows what way to go in a strange land, or if it was a strange land. I picked up a path, nomatter where it led to, i just walked the way of the unknown, dark way, some shops, half closed, neither inviting, or i didnt know what to in case i got into one of those, i just decided to pass the windows, no heads were turned around to cast the slightest look, it's either stares or ignoring eyes when someone's an outsider, those were shadows, n the shadows were dark, but one could see through 'em, it wasnt so hard, sometimes you see the most through something so carefully disguised, the disguise gives the game away, in one shop there was a single pair of eyes watching the outside, almost bent over a cup of something, the look had the glare of a pair of diamonds in the face of piece of rock, the eyes had penetrating vision, i could see me in those eyes, despite the distance.
"Here comes another stranger", the pair of eyes never missed a thing, they never showed any excitement, or interest, but those eyes could see through, like laser cutting through metal, the guys a stranger, just fallen down into the face of this world, going the same way as everyone else does, they all seem they pick this way out of chance, but thats the way they all go. They are all so scared to look around more carefully, even they dont dare to get into this place and ask for the directions. And this one, is another one, like all those other people who walked up this path, and he's got exactly the look i got when i was there, rushing along the same road, hiding my eyes, and then for a second, i did the same mistake, and looked up and around, at that time too, saw myself in a glowing pair of eyes, reflecting outsied like two shiny marbles, saw a little me, in those eyes. The beholder then had the same thoughts about me, and the reflection had taken him back in time, to the same day he got down to the face of the world. same encounters, same pathways, same dark strange surroundings.

As i was there, at that moment, having the eye-lock, with that pair of eyes, it was like a travel in time, like reflection of an image in two parallel mirrors, you could see an infinite number of images, going back, one in another, the repetition, just faces would change, the looks, but the two pair of eyes still the same, one pair looking for something new, one pair, observant, it was all about what one wanted to see.

Friday, May 07, 2004

Creator inside!

So, i never would like to be summed up in that rusty wrecked junk car, feels too lonely and cold, in ajunk yard, corroding away, like being killed with a blunt knife, anyways, some choose another route. They decide to start their little small scale gods inside, the creator inside. Even the term by it-self is a thrill. Creator inside, thats what i call it, one can, spend sometime, some part of that life, which inevitably goes to that junkyard, creating something, that can be more lating, more age-wear-proof, Creation. Spend ur time creating sth. u wont regret it! (not finished yet)

God's big shopping mall!

Lemme tell ya sth, our civilization is civilization of fakes, fade-aways, believe me not? good, imagine how things r, lets see, one's born, one goes to school, studies hard, almost spends best time of his/ her life going through some books, some other people almost abit older than him/ her have compiled with information still piled up by, oh goodness what a drag, by some other someother guys of his own type, and then what, he knows light is the fastes thing, almost he can never feel it or sense it, or even comprehend it, and there's a place called Ivory-coast in africa, he might never even spell the name out a second time, and population of china has always been a billion+1(that one person must be quite happy!), so, afterwards, happy with all this info, and sad with all the fun and joy he/she has been deprived of, works hard to get into university, like David Copperfield going through the Wall of China(at least he did it), so, there still he wastes sometime, some go on drugs, some become peace lovers, some idealists, some wonder why they came to university in the first place, and some confused with what then after this, he gets out, or better to say, is pushd out, like they always want to keep the balance of in-put n out-put, he goes, n with lots of luck, and luck and still luck, finds a good job, works hard, then one day meets a girl, they both fall in love, as they always think what would they have done if they hadnt met each other, and if u are ever to decide again, who would u choose, and stuff like that, (thats good for illusioned ones), then they work hard together, real hard, buy a car, or so many things, and they enjoy them for a limited number of months and years, then one day the car is rusty and wrecked, and a real junk. In retrospective, going from car to the childhood, one sees, all those ages, and years, and hours, and books, and Ivory-Coast, and speed of light, all summed up in a car, and the cars going into the junk yard, and still u say, it's not a fake civilization? it's like some of us r tricked by some others. hahahaha, even Don Juans now a days have Ferraris, they dont need anything else, with a ferrari, my grandfather could have been a Don Juan, (I must check if he drove one!), ok ok, consumer goods, consumer life, consumer world, did god really make all this to be a big shopping mall?(ooops, sorry god, just asking!)

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Why do we do these?

Have u ever noticed why we do these, while we still laugh at them when we look back, let's see

1- we fall in love, at very young ages, 'n do crazy things, poems, flowers, 'n hahahaha, u name it, then years later, we just look back 'n laugh.

2- The car is running out of gas, the light goes out 'n comes on again 'n again, then stays on, and we unwantedly get closer to the steering wheel, i wonder why.

3- When we can simply accept what someone is saying, we dismiss with the excuse 'n argue, then when both are tired, just retire.

4- We laugh when we are excited, or stressed, or we feel uneasy, (shouldnt we cry or feel a bit more tense?).

5- We use bad words, 'n whenever a kid uses some milder case of the same word, we go mad. And kids can never go mad at bad words used by their seniors.

6- You set the alarm clock to go off at a very early hour in the morning and when it does, we simply turn it off, then we go to a deeper sleep.

7- We have three big full meals, then we turn down a piece of chocolate. (diet)

8- We go to the gym, sweat it out on the treadmill for 5 min, then spend an hour at the snack bar.(cool)

9- We start smoking, smoke like hell, then inorder to give up, start terminating chcololate bars.

10- We buy books, put them in the shelf, then never worry to dust 'em.

11-Someone comes to us and opens a conversation at a party, too cheeky.

12- At the same party, there's another guy, he doesnt seem to feel like talking, what a snob.

13- Still, same party, but another guy, dressed casually, Sloppy.

14- And one more guy, same party(damn), suit 'n tie, oh too much dressed up, nouveau riche.

15- We feel bored, someone starts a conversation, we just walk away.

16- We find a girl friend, then look for another girl, 'n let this former one go.

17- As we find the second girl, after sometime, we break up with the latter, 'n call up the former.

18- The former, too much broken hearted 'n hurt, swears at the name of guys, listens to ur recorded voice on the answering machine over 'n over(lets say 124 times to be exact).

19- When she comes back to u, u feel interested in ur best friend's girl(Elvis).

20- The very first one is always the best choice to get back to, even after a thousand years.

21- The First Lady, so much hurt, always promised to shoot u with a shot-gun, when sees u , bursts into tears in ur arms, while u r looking at ur watch.

22- Italians made pasta, it's the same all over the world, still, Pizza remains an unsolved mystery, u never get it italian even in Napl.

23- People are quite docile, tame 'n reserved, the moment they get behind the wheel in any car, they turn into Nazi soldiers or that bad guy in terminator 2.

24- They say money is nothing, but it buys everything, so how can it be nothing?

25- Why do we argue with a fool? while we say stupidity is the strongest force of nature. (lets go on our discussion mr fool!)

26- People always want to live longer, to 100, but they never have a plan for how they r gonna spend the extra time they got.

27- We always leave everything to fate, yet we dont believe in it, we go to church, while we even dont know what god's first name is?(what was it?)

28- We believe in freedom of everything, then the very first Q we ask someone we meet is gonna be abt, his religious beliefs, his political party, and his sexual inclinations.

29- Why we tell jokes, yet we never like to be the topic of a joke, and when we make the silliest jokes, we expect others to laugh, and when they laugh, we ask if that laughter was real.

30- We go to a lwayer after we sign the agreement?

31- We think after we act?

32- We love and we never show it.

33- We would like others to express their love?

34- When they do express, we just try to keep a distance.

35- We always wish to have 1,000,000 Dollars, and when we have it, we dont know what to do with it.

36- People who cant drive, buy Porsches?

37- Those who can drive, wish they were porsche drivers.

38- Why do men think women r the weaker sex?

39- Why do women think men r redundant?

40- Still they dont know why they long to have one of the other sex with them, while listening to their favorite music.

41- Why do i write these?

42- Hey!!! then why 42 items???


Situations u never wanna be into!!!

Alright, everyone, Here is a new Q & A, or situation whatsoever, me's gonna provide u with a number of mind buggling Questions, that those can also be situations, but never gonna provide u with the answers, you do the dirty.

Situation #1, two partners (actually opposite sex, me still do not agree with the laws of San Francisco), are having a great time, making love, one of the either partner, looks at the other one, busy doing his/ her best, and then quite unintentionally burst out into laughter, hahahahaha, what gonna be ur reaction?

Situation #2, The guy or the woman, approaches the other one temptatively, seductively, the guy (mostly in such cases), looks at her, long 'n hard, she tries to appeal, he tickels her ;n goes playful, 'n then laughter follows, u gonna do???

Situation #3, The man 'n woman, decide to have a great time partying in, women r quite sentimental, candle lights, light music, champagne in the ice, 'n i'd add a little kindle to that fireplace out of my own credit, 'n the guy calls, 'n says, he's busy having dinner with some guys out, maybe another time, how, would u..............react?(duck ur head)

Situation #4, I like this situation, man/ woman goes out with the opposite sex partner, the one they love so much remotely, they have a great time, and they part, the other one never calls back, u ever gonna try the call???

Situation #5, Dining out is sth i have always loved, even my specialty coffee rounds, so some two guys having fun, round of drinks, or whatever, and there happens to be a towering figure over the table, looking down, one eybrow raised, teeth grinding, what would u do(i would never ever want to be in either one's shoes, plz dont count me in)

Situation #6, A lady, asks a guy out, (usually never happnes, chances are one in a billion, dont count on ur luck), she is driving, (still you can live), and then BooooM, flat tire, pull-over, trunk lid up, dig in, ooops, the spare is flat(giggles), what u gonna do(whistles)!!!

Situation #7, A kiss, watery, (ouuuuuugh, ooops, some like it that way), salaiva flowing all around, first time kiss, ouuuuuuuuuugh, no tissue, wet hands, pants?, what u gonna do?

Situation #8, U (man or woman) go out with the guy(man or woman), n r having coffe, or drinks or even ice-cream, sth funy comes up, the other one laughs, hysterically, uncontrollably, then ice-cream comes out all over, u gonna meet .......... again???

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

If only i had my own mummy!!!(Next part)

Xpresso :the mummy's moved with ur nice nature, grants u a wish, what would that be? 1- a villa in the french Riviera, 2- a Ferrari, red, 3- a job in the Metropolitan museum
Shmartie :1
Xpresso :u get ur Villa in the french Riviera, what would u do with ur good ol' mummy, 1- forget him back home, to have discussions with ur mom, 2- take him with u to be ur advisor, 3- who cares what happens to a heap of bones
Shmartie :2...he sounds like an inetersting chap
Xpresso :he's with u in the french Riviera, Bill gates happens to pass by, he offers to buy the mummy to fix problems in his Windows 2020, u do, 1- tell him go F.... himself, 2- u cut a deal for half the share of Microsoft, 3- u nevr return his calls
Shmartie :1, oh...id say no right away, who cares for shares when ive got a mummy?!
Xpresso :the other day ur mummy gets homesick, what would u do to make him have fun, 1- give hime 100 XXX channels on TV, 2- take him to Disney land, 3- tell him to think about a way to fix the traffic problem in tehran
Shmartie :if it makes him feel any better 3...but id go for 2
Xpresso :u take him to disney land.
Shmartie :wouldnt u take an adorable mummy to disney?
Xpresso :u take ur mummy to disney land, the guy scares the s.... out of everybody there, the SWAT team and FBI pour in, u do this, 1- get a bicycle and ride off as in ET, 2- put him on te back of horse and go rodeo, 3- get a pick up truck and hit the road
Shmartie :would he be with me? 1.
Xpresso :u r on the bicycle the mummy just squeezed in the tiny basket, u do the following, 1- go to the UN for saving the poor thing, 2- go to a far god forsaken place calling home for help, 3- drop him off the first garbage dump
Shmartie :1
Xpresso :u go to the UN, asking to see his excellency , Mr Director general, they say he is busy u got to get an appointment, the nearest date in two yrs. u 1- rush into the security council assembly, 2- get a date and go home drinking a cold drink and watching tv, 3- go marching in front of the UN for the rights of mummies
Shmartie :1
Xpresso :u r just in the middle of the UN Security Council assembly, with a mummy wrapped in a Mc Donald bag having french fries, u do this, 1- rush to the podium and grab the mic and shout calling for attention, 2- wonder what to do, look for the darkest black as the Director of the UN, Mr annan, 3- get awed by the drand hall, just forget ur main intention and stand gaping
Shmartie :2 id find annan
Shmartie :i know wot he looks like so ill have no trouble

Xpresso :u find Anna, he's maticulouly dressed and clean cut, and looks like a civilized african with manners. u tell him about 1- ur father always talking about Mr Director generals great personality, 2- the US forces in Iraq, 3- ur latest painting
Shmartie :that d be a lie, umm…., oh dear 3, i hate sucking up
Xpresso :u tell him about ur latest painting, Annan a great art collector sees a genius in u. proposes a deal, 1- USD 100,000,000 for ur painting, out of the UN budget, 2- ur painting for the safety of the mummy, 3- going out for a coffee
Shmartie :hmm..., 2, give some get some
Xpresso :u get th safety of the mummy and give out one of ur finest masterpieces away, go back home to the riviera villa, with ur bossom friend the Mr. Mummy all bones no frills
Shmartie :awwwww, dont talk that way about him
Xpresso :have this thing coming up, ur old lost lover is coming back and he hates dead bodies, u do this, 1- discuss it with the mummy and the mummy tails between legs, head down, in tears, 2- u tell the mummy the mummy turn into an Italian Chef, 3- u don't care, and call ur friend telling him he'd better not show up.
Shmartie :2
Xpresso :ur mummy's an Italian chef, 6' 2", dark long hair, and muscular, quite a hunk, while ur friend, is a poet, writer, painter, musician, he plays the violin, and the Piano, u find urself having a crush on the new thing, u do this, 1- choose between the two, go for the Intellect and art, and keep the mummy making u , pasta, 2- just spend a night with the hunk in a starry night, falling in love, 3- u r fed up with men and their flawed logic, leave them and hit the road.
Shmartie :umm..., could i spend some time then hit the road?, 1,2,3, but 3
Shmartie :i have conflict in that area
Shmartie :so 3
Xpresso :u hit the road free of any masculine ties, and there u decide where to go, 1- buy a ticket to get back home and chat with ur friend online, 2- book for another amazon expedition, 3- decide to go and become a nun
Shmartie :oh dear... where is home? the french riviera?
Xpresso :nope, where u r right now
Shmartie :then 2

Maybe it would be continued

If only i had my own mummy!!!(the first part)

Well, i happend to overhear this conversation in a side-walk cafe, over a couple of shots of expresso, i really enjoyed it, 'n think it can be cool! go ahead u can overhear too, 'n enjoy ur expresso.

Xpresso :so lemme see
Xpresso :ur fave means of transportation?
Xpresso :Train/ bus/ ship?
Xpresso :and Plane
Shmartie :horseback
Shmartie :i have to choose from that?
Xpresso :yeah
Shmartie :ship
Shmartie :then train
Xpresso :objective test
Shmartie :ok
Xpresso :so
Xpresso :why the ship, justify ur answer
Shmartie :i love it
Xpresso :u love ship? would u like to be a seawoman?
Shmartie :i love travelling on water
Shmartie :oh yeaH
Xpresso :like US navy soldiers, on a Carrier
Shmartie :i wouldnt mind being a pirate, thats the life, i dun like taking orders
Xpresso :Pirate with one eye? one wooden leg, and a one-eyed parrot
Shmartie :no, id be whole thankyou
Xpresso :Pirates r like that, Long Jonh Silver
Shmartie :not female pirates, & the parrots arent one eyed!!!!!!
Xpresso :nope this one's the same as the pirate
Shmartie :female pirates just look and talk dirty
Xpresso :cool
Shmartie :cool
Shmartie :i like ur q's
Shmartie :next
Xpresso :ok
Xpresso :ur fav music in the car
Xpresso :fast/ slow/ nerve shattering, mellow
Shmartie :hmm..., id say nerve shattering, either that or mellow
Shmartie :well?
Xpresso :ok
Xpresso :woman or man???, fav singers
Shmartie :woman
Xpresso :mostly??? oh good
Shmartie :wot was that woman or man about?
Xpresso :fav music if alone in the car good road, high-speed, wind blowing intothe hair
Shmartie :wow...nirvana, hahaha, depends...if its dry land or humid, i like some of metallicas stuff
Xpresso :who wouldu like to pick up at the next stop, on same road
Shmartie :hmm.....
Xpresso :tick tak, tik tak
Xpresso :so???
Shmartie :we got to the crossroad
Shmartie :i said jeremy irons, hey i just say the first thing that comes to my head?
Xpresso :nope
Xpresso :u can pick a good calculated choice
Shmartie :id say john lennon then
Xpresso :who would u like to pick up at the next stop, on same road
Shmartie :that guy ho built the church of satan
Xpresso :ok, lemme see, what wouldu like to do, if u get lost on a deserted island, & u got one cell, phone, one pack of 100 CD's all greatest hits, 100 issues f LIFE magazine, and a Yellow Pages
Shmartie :right now? Actually i was gonna answer i wanted to do just that, ohom...., id choose the cds of course
Xpresso :ok, so, cds
Shmartie :wot would i need a yellow pages for
Shmartie :do i have a cd player to ith it?
Xpresso :sure. a real cool Harmon Kardon home HI-FI, with B&W Speakers
Shmartie :definately go fo the cds
Xpresso :I'd take ur place on that Island myself
Shmartie :go find ur own deserted island
Xpresso :u can read the Yellow pages, many interesting names, and laugh at the funny ones
Shmartie :well if u had to take a book with u
Shmartie :wot book would u take
Xpresso :me? Romain Gary’s Ski Bun
Shmartie :so....next
Xpresso :3 occasions, just can have one, birthday party, 100 friends, ur deserted island, with the CD's and Awesome Hi-Fi, & an amazon expedition
Shmartie :hmm..., amazon expedition
Xpresso :oh yeah???
Shmartie :aha, party is just one night
Xpresso :who would u take on that expedition with u? 1- ur mom, 2- ur best friend, 3- a cool guy, crazy enough to go bungee jumping
Shmartie :do u have to ask?
Xpresso :how would u find that guy
Xpresso :1- meet in cafe, he's over drunk, 2- he's doing extra activity to relieve stress, sky diving, 3- u put an ad in the local paper
Shmartie :one!
Xpresso :what nationality would u like him to be, 1- Italian, 2- Mexican, 3- Iranian
Shmartie :hmm...., Italian
Xpresso :would u like him to be, 1- gay, 2- aggressive, 3- sexy
Shmartie :hmm..., a mix of aggressive and sexy please
Xpresso :if u r lost amid the expedition, how would like to spend the night, 1- he telling u funny jokes, 2- u sleeping he standing watch, 3- a one night stand
Shmartie :1+2
Xpresso :the morning u wake up, what would u like to see, 1- to be next to a long lost Inka temple
2- next to the amazon river, 3- face to face with a Python
Shmartie :3 is so interesting, but i guess id say 1
Xpresso :when u walk into the temple while ur friend is on breakfast chase, what would like to find
1- a treasure, 2- some mummies, 3- a note written u won a free ticket back home
Shmartie :2
Xpresso :when u open the mummies, what would u expect to find inside, - some Inka royalties, 2- John Lennon, 3- ur Italian friend
Shmartie :1
Xpresso :when u take the trouble and pain of taking ur discovery back home, what would u do
1- put the mummies in the living room, where mom would sure kill u, 2- giving them to a museum
3- selling them on ebay
Shmartie :1
Xpresso :one night u r sleeping, u hear a sound, u just walk downstairs, finding, the mummy is sneaking into the fridge, what would u do? 1- scream, 2- be cool, and fix him a bloody merry
3- sit down and smoke some weed together.
Shmartie :2

To be continue................d

Saturday, May 01, 2004


it's gonna be all coffee talk!

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